マルセロ・モンテイロ Half Guard Attacks ★教則DVD★

マルセロ・モンテイロによる「Half Guard Attacks」DVD  


この「Half Guard Attacks」DVDは、マルセロ・モンテイロ自身が最も得意とするハーフガード特集の教則DVDです。



* Half guard control to omoplata submission
* Half guard control pushing the knee to attack the back
* Half guard control pushing the knee to reverse armbar
* Half guard control to pushing the knee sweep with triangle
* Basic half guard control to pushing the knee sweep
* Half guard control from open guard control from open guard control position
* Half guard control position number 1 to basic sweep
* Half guard control position number 1 attacking the back
* Half guard control position to single leg takedown
* Hakf guard dive between opponents legs to attacking the back
* Half guard dive between opponents legs to grabbing the back reversal
* Half guard going to the Minotauro sweep then applying the spider leg sweep
* Half guard control to dive between opponents legs for takedown reversal trapping one foot
* Half guard same side control to Roleta sweep
* Half guard sit throught to attacking the opponent's back
* Half guard to arm drag grabbing the leg and attracking the back
* Half guard to Shaoling sweep
* Half guard sit through to katagarma reversal

